Lowongan Bagian Produksi PT Unggul Karya Semesta (UKS) - Bogor

PT Unggul Karya Semesta (UKS) is one of the largest tarpaulin manufacturers in Indonesia, catering to domestic and international markets. UKS commits to continuously bring new innovations as well as explore and develop the market to fulfill customers requirement and satisfaction. For the best quality, each process from resin to finished goods goes through careful preparations. Our experienced workers in respective departments carefully and promptly carry out every production activities to meet the quality standard specifications and ensure timely deliveries.

PT Unggul Karya Semesta (UKS) membuka lowongan untuk bagian Produksi
  1. Perempuan
  2. Lulusan SMA/SMK/Sederajat
  3. Usia Min. 20 Tahun
  4. Tinggi Badan Min. 165 cm
  5. Jehat Jasmani dan Rohani
  6. Jujur, Disiplin, Cekatan
  7. Mampu Bekerja Secara Tim dan Individu
SEND YOUR CV TO: [email protected]
Deadline 26 April 2024

PT Unggul Karya Semesta (UKS)
Jl. Jampang No.15, Wanaherang, Kec. Gn. Putri, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16965